Caring for the Creek

Charity Commission No. 287315


Latest information

BOHT wins support for major Creek restoration project!

We are thrilled to announce that the Burnham Overy Harbour Trust (BOHT) has been chosen as the main beneficiary charity of the 2024 Norfolk Superhero.  This has major funding potential for the Trust and will help enormously in our fundraising campaign for the major groyne restoration project. 

As mentioned in earlier updates, the BOHT formed a Groyne Working Group to assess the remedial action that needs to be carried out in the Creek. We have
now developed a detailed plan to prioritise and cost the work that will prevent the Creek from silting up, as well as deliver significant environmental benefits by helping to protect the saltmarshes which are unique in their exceptional biodiversity and beauty. This will be quite a major project and, having won the support of the Superhero, the next step is to liaise with national bodies such as Natural England and the Environment Agency, as well as with other local stakeholder groups. The intention is for the works to take place in the first quarter of 2025; they will need to be finished by the middle of March and the onset of the bird breeding season. John Owles and David de Stacpoole have spent a considerable amount of time and effort on this planning phase and I would like to thank them both.

The Norfolk Superhero has been running the challenge from Burnham Overy Staithe for 15 years.  In that time it has raised over £830,000
for Norfolk-based charities – for more info please go to   This is not only fantastic news for the BOHT but all the users of creek and its abundant wildlife!

Below is an excerpt from the Norfolk Superhero press release which is a powerful endorsement of the work that the BOHT carries out:

As you know we always focus on supporting worthy local charities. This time, we could not have chosen one any closer to home, and so it gives us enormous pleasure to announce that the main charity for 2024 is the Burnham Overy Harbour Trust. We will specifically be raising funds for the vital work involved in restoring the creek we all love so much. This will primarily involve the restoration of the groynes which are crucial in preventing the creek from silting up, as well as taking important measures to reduce erosion of the marshes.

By combining our hard fundraising work with the Burnham Overy Staithe community’s efforts, we will be fast-tracking a major restoration project which
may otherwise take many years to complete. Importantly, we wholeheartedly believe that the work will secure this fragile and incredibly important landscape for the next generation.  This will be the Norfolk Superhero’s first environmental cause and we believe it could not be more apt for us to be supporting a significant project at the home of the Superhero.


Although many Superheroes have enjoyed the Creek for decades, some may not be aware just how special this beautiful environment is. 

Burnham Overy Staithe’s salt marshes and creeks are a Site of Special Scientific Interest due to their unique biodiversity, range of ecosystems and large number of habitat specific plants, some of which are extremely rare.  The marshes are one of the key sites for wintering birds such as numerous species of geese including thousands of Pinkfoot, Curlew, Teal and Wigeon. It is also a sanctuary for many species of birds that breed in the area such as Lapwing,
Oystercatcher, Spoonbill, Redshank, Common Ringed Plover as well as both Great and Little Egret. 

Restoration work has been an essential element of the management of the creek for many years, albeit with limited funds. Without this work, the fragile ecosystems would suffer enormously and the many 1,000s of people who both live here and visit would not be able to enjoy this area of outstanding natural interest.

The Superhero HQ Team

Easter Activities 2023

Overy Creek litter pick and clear up – Saturday 8th April 2.00pm to 4.00pm. 
A big thankyou to Jane de Stacpoole and to all those who helped with the creek clear-up and litter pick.  Sackfuls of rubbish were removed and the creek is looking much cleaner!

Verge Update

The Verges are now clear.

We plan to do a harbour clear up in mid February (TBC) date to coincide with half term. This will remove all rocks and other detritus from the verges. The verges will then be filled, levelled and seeded with grass.

NO CRAFT are to be returned before the start of British Summer Time (25/03/23) to allow the grass to establish.

At the same time as the verges are repaired, the Hard will be regraded to remove the potholes ready for the 2023 season.

Verges Clearance Update

The verges have now been cleared and we await the removal of the final few boats to the storage site. The release fee is £70. 

The abandoned boats which are not seaworthy will be removed and disposed of.